Annette Funicello measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size

Annette Funicello had just turned 13 years old when Walt Disney, the studio's director of production, spotted her performing in a Fullerton California amateur Swan Lake. Her Mickey Mouse Club teammates were in a state of dismay at the time Funicello joined her cast later in season one of the show and without being required to audition. Disney's intuitions were right, and Funicello was soon the most popular Mickey Mouse Club performer. The show's own storyline Adventures in Dairyland also featured her. Funicello's potential as a teenage star was quickly realized. Disney hired Tutti Camerata, a well-established arranger, to aid her with her music career. Annette, however, was not a fan of Funicello singing. Funicello gradually grew comfortable with recording and loved the time she spent together with Camerata, one of the very few arrangers in their 40s who understood the fundamentals of rock's early days. Annette Sings Anka markedly improved her albums, starting from the third. This was probably the first album that featured the works of rock writers as part of the repertoire. The first film of Funicello's beach parties, Beach Party was produced by AIP. Walt Disney personally looked over the scripts, and then gave his approval to each one to ensure that Annette to keep her pristine image. Funicello's films helped break many other artists. Stevie Wonder starred in Muscle Beach Party. Annette Annette Annette Annette


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